My love of the Sea!
Posted by Alex Johnstone on

I don't often write about me but thought I would share my passion for the sea and explain how it is a central influence on my business!
I have a deep connection and respect for the sea and the seashore! It makes me feel alive and happy!
As most of you might know my designs are inspired by the Cornish coast. I love the colours of the seaside! Being there brings me great joy and I try and get there as often as I can.
It is my special place! I love to be near the sea, in it or on it whenever I can, sailing, surfing or just walking on by! I find it truly inspiring.

My childhood and most of my adult life too was often spent by the sea in North Cornwall where my family had a cottage. We spent every holiday there rain or shine. I even worked down in Cornwall during my 20's as a dingy sailing instructor. I met many of my lifelong friends there and I have subsequently spent most of my adult life returning to the Cornish seaside every Summer, even when living in Singapore!
From our home in Asia we were so lucky to visit some amazing and very different coastlines too, from Malaysia and Vietnam to Thailand, and even Australia where I plunged into all the oceans!

In short I feel that there is nothing better for me than being by the sea no matter where it is. It helps me mentally and physically. I gain so much from being there. Great sleep, creativity and a healthy glow! I love the sound and smell of it and cannot help getting in it at any oportunity! Can't wait to my next visit!